
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Words That Work

Little Dude has a slight speech delay.  Nothing for which to seek treatment but a delay nonetheless.  It's frustrating (for all invovled) sometimes when he can't get his point across.  He's improved greatly over the past 15 months.  Last September (at age 2.5) his first sentence was, "Me Go".  We were psyched.

He's not blabbing like a banschee but we don't always understand his pronunciation.  Today he was telling me a story and I understood about 90% of it...progress.

I asked him if his teachers at school understand him.  He said no.  I then asked who DOES understand him.  He answered, "God."

What a profound statement by a 3 year old.  It's something I need to take to heart on this cold Winter's day.

1 comment:

  1. Awwww, that is ADORABLE!!! I love it. What a sweetheart.
